
Holland Baroque and five female soloists present the musical traditions of 17th-century monastic life in North Brabant. In this program, we present a women’s choir singing passion music as it sounded in the 17th-century monasteries. Music written for the time between Ash Wednesday and Easter. Forty days with litanies, Stabat Mater, baroque, Gregorian chant and other works by Benedictus à Sancto Josepho, Herman Hollanders and Carl Rosier.

In the Netherlands in the 17th-century, the Protestants were on the winning end. Public Catholic worship was banned from 1648, which was felt most keenly in Brabant. The Catholics withdrew to barn churches and to Catholic enclaves around Gemert and Boxmeer, tolerated by the Protestants. Benedict Buns, Jan Baptist Verrijt and Carl Rosier wrote their most beautiful works for this hidden life. Discover the music from the ‘Rome of Brabant’.

“Holland Baroque performs solo and polyphonic chants with liveliness and suppleness.”

★★★★☆ Volkskrant

Soloists: Hannah Morrison, Camille Allérat, Lucretia Starke, Laura Lopes en Ludmila Schwartzwalder

Download the program booklet (in Dutch)

Order the album Brabant 1653 here:

Order tickets for 24 Mar – 7 Apr

Friday 24 Mar 20:15 Amsterdam, Muziekgebouw
Saturday 25 Mar 20:15 Leeuwarden, Grote of Jacobijnerkerk
Sunday 26 Mar 15:00 Vries, Kerkconcerten
Wednesday 29 Mar 20:15 Helmond, Trudokerk
Friday 31 Mar 20:00 Sevilla (Spanje), Espacio Turina
Sunday 02 Apr 15:00 Cuijk, Sint-Martinuskerk
Tuesday 04 Apr 20:15 Utrecht, Pieterskerk
Friday 07 Apr 11:30 Gotha (Duitsland), Thüringer Bachwochen