
Concertos for recorder by Vivaldi and contemporary music by Toshio Hosokawa brought together in a concert hall transformed into a garden.

Recorder concertos by Antonio Vivaldi are intertwined with music by contemporary Japanese composer Toshio Hosokawa. The concert hall will be transformed into a garden in which both musicians and audience sit.

Flute – Jeremias Schwarzer
Concertdesign – Folkert Uhde
Video and sound effects – Letizia Renzini
Light – Jörg Bittner
Dramaturgy – Ilka Seifert

With special thanks to Kulturstiftung des Bundes.

Sounds & Clouds is a coproduction of:
Kulturstiftung des Bundes
Festival van Vlaanderen Kortrijk
Radialsystem V Berlijn
Internationale Orgelwoche Nürnberg
Montforthaus Feldkirch
Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ Amsterdam
Holland Baroque

Sounds & Clouds2015-10-10 20:00:00Radialsystem VBerlijn
Sounds & Clouds2015-10-11 20:00:00Radialsystem VBerlijn
Sounds & Clouds2015-10-13 20:00:00TivoliVredenburgUtrecht
Sounds & Clouds2015-10-16 20:15:00De VereenigingNijmegen
Sounds & Clouds2015-10-20 20:15:00Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJAmsterdam
Sounds & Clouds2016-07-02 00:00:00MontforthausFeldkirch
Sounds & Clouds2016-07-03 00:00:00Feldkirch