Bach’s organ works are the starting point for “Bach Inspiriert.” Johann Sebastian Bach was an unparalleled master of the organ. It is said that he played with his feet with as much virtuosity as he did with his hands. It is not surprising, then, that he wrote such inventive and beautiful pieces for the “Queen of Instruments.”
Often, Bach reused his own compositions and those of others, resulting in the creation of magnificent new pieces. Holland Baroque builds upon this tradition with “Bach Inspiriert” where you will hear his organ works transformed into colorful orchestral arrangements. With playfulness, imagination, and creativity, we pay tribute to this masterful organ repertoire. A fugue may sound like an aria, and a chorale fantasy may become a suite. We follow the compositions as a path, always looking to the richness of the grand organ.
Inspired by Johann Sebastian Bach’s organ works, arranged by Judith and Tineke Steenbrink.
Looking for inspiration? Discover the Bach Inspiriert playlist via Spotify
Composed by Tineke Steenbrink together with violinist Chloe Prendergast and recorder player Dante Jongerius.
Tineke Steenbrink on this playlist: “There is so much to hear in and around Bach. Take, for example, Immortal Bach: a choir singing a Bach chorale that slowly fades away like a watercolor, the choir lines lose themselves in space. The Improvised Prelude by Paolo Pandolfo on the Viola de Gamba: you almost feel at home with Bach. Vikingur Ólafsson playing Bach on a prepared piano, everything sounds just slightly different than you expect or know. Two harpsichords merging into one sonic field, so inspiring!”
Order tickets for 30 Sep – 9 Oct
Did you know?
The idea for Bach Inspiriert began with Bachs Königin, a previous program by Holland Baroque inspired by Bach’s organ works. In addition to concerts in the Netherlands and abroad, the program was also released as an album on the Pentatone record label.
Judith Steenbrink: “It often happens that when my sister Tineke and I are deeply involved in something, we find that the subject becomes more and more fascinating, even long after the tours are over. Tineke is completely captivated by 17th-century Brabant repertoire, while Telemann continues to attract me. Even after assembling and rewriting the repertoire for Bachs Königin for the orchestra, we continued to engage with that part of Bach’s oeuvre. Delving into the material often leads to the realization that there is so much more to discover.” Bachs Königin turned out to be the beginning of a new program.
Bestel Bachs Königin hier: