For years, Tineke and Judith Steenbrink have championed the music of Benedictus à Sancto Josepho (1642-1716), or Benedictus Buns from Boxmeer, literally a stone’s throw from their birthplace.

Judith: “Mapping your own musical landscape is incredibly exciting. We tend to think that apart from Sweelinck, the Netherlands in the 17th century was a musical morass. We are touched by the uniqueness and expressiveness of this repertoire from North Brabant.”

Tineke: “This album contains only a small selection from a very extensive oeuvre of Brabant’s monastic repertoire. There is still so much to discover. Moreover, 2021 will be the ‘Brabant Monastery Year’. Many monasteries celebrate their centuries-old anniversary. We at Holland Baroque will make our musical contribution to this. It is important to play this music again.”

“Holland Baroque brings the solo and polyphonic songs to life with vibrancy and flexibility.”
– Volkskrant –

Brabant 1653

Holland Baroque, together with six soloists, explores the monastic musical traditions of 17th-century North Brabant. Brabant 1653 reveals hidden gems from Dutch music history.

Jesu-Redemptor omnium: Gemert Gradual
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